How to Get from Beijing South Railway Station to Forbidden City & Tiananmen Square

The distance between Beijing South Railway Station and Tiananmen Square & Foribidden City is around 7 kilometers (4 miles). The most popular way to travel between the two locations is by subway, which takes about 20 minutes and costs CNY 3/ 4. Passengers can also take around 40 minutes and CNY 2 to take the city bus. Taxi is also available, taking about 25 minutes and CNY 30.
How to Get from Beijing South Railway Station to Tiananmen Square & Forbidden City
How to Get from Beijing South Railway Station to Tiananmen Square & Forbidden City

1. Subway Line 4 + Subway Line 1: around 20 minutes, CNY 4

→ Follow the bilingual direction signs to the subway entrance on the -1F of Beijing South Railway Station.
→ Take subway line 4 to Xidan, 4 stops.
→ Change to subway line 1 to Tiananmen East or Tiananmen West after 1 stop and 2 stops respectively.

Both Subway Tiananmen East and West Stations are located between the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square. Tiananmen East Station is a little closer but it may take longer to go through security at the Tiananmen West subway station.


2. Subway Line 4 + Subway Line 2: around 20 minutes, CNY 3

→ Take subway line 4 to Xuwumen, 3 stops.
→ Change to subway line 2 to Qianmen, 2 stops.
→ Get out from exit A and walk north to reach Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City.

Qianmen subway station is close to the southern end of Tiananmen Square and about 1,000 meters (1,100 yards) from the Forbidden City.


3. City Bus 20: 40 minutes, CNY 2

→ Go to the North Square of Beijing South Railway Station
→ Take bus 20 to Qianmen East Station, 10 stops
→ Walk west to reach Tiananmen Square and keep walking north to get to the Forbidden City

Passengers do not need to transfer, but traffic jams may occur, especially during peak hours from 07:00 to 09:00 and 17:00 to 19:00.


4. Taxi: 25 minutes, CNY 30

The taxi pick-up stand is on the -1F of South Railway Station. Usually, there are many people waiting for taxis so visitors can expect to wait for at least 30 minutes.

 Tips for Taking a Taxi at Beijing South Railway Station:
1. If the taxi queues are long at the station, passengers can exit from the North Square and walk left towards the intersection to take a taxi from there.
2. Watch out for the illegal private taxis around the station. Official taxis are not allowed to pick up passengers outside the pick-up stands.

Further Reading:
How to Travel from Shanghai to Beijing
Shanghai to Beijing Train
Beijing - Shanghai Overnight Sleeper Train
Beijing - Shanghai Train VS. Plane
Cheapest Way to Travel between Beijing and Shanghai
How to Get from Beijing South Railway Station to Wangfujing
How to Get from Beijing South Railway Station to Capital Airport
- Last updated on Apr. 19, 2021 -
Questions & Answers on How to Get from Beijing South Railway Station to Forbidden City & Tiananmen Square
Asked by Priya from SINGAPORE | Apr. 28, 2020 17:36Reply
When will Forbidden City open for visit?
Can you help us with reservation?
Answers (1)
Answered by TravelChinaGuide | Apr. 29, 2020 18:59

Thank you for your inquiry.

Forbidden City haven't open for visit yet, but will be partially opened to visitors since May 01. We are pleased to offer ticket booking service for Forbidden City. You can check our city guide of Beijing for online booking page. Have a nice day!
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