Ho Chi Minh City - Da Nang Trains


Basic Information

The railway distance between Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) and Danang is 935km (581miles), and travel time is about 18 hours. There are totally five pairs of Reunification Expresses between these two cities, and no luxury tourist train is available on this line. The best seat you could take is soft sleeper with 4 berths in one cabin, then hard sleeper with 6 berths in one cabin. Soft seats are available on all of the trains, and hard seats are available on part of them. All carriages and cabins are air-conditioned with the comfortable seats/berths. Western toilets are set on sleeper carriages.

For a classical Vietnam travel, none of Ho Chi Minh City, Danang and Hoi An could be eliminated, on the other side, Ho Chi Minh and Da Nang are import economic centers in Vietnam, so there are many of the local people traveling to and from these two cities each day, then the transportation between these two cities are quite easy, you could choose from flight, train or bus. Among the different methods, travelling by train would take more time than flight, however, you will have chance to enjoy the scenery along the way, which is another kind of experience.

How to Travel from Da Nang to Hoi An Ancient Town

The small UNESCO listed city of Hoian is about 30km (18miles) to Danang, you will spend less than one hour for the transfer from Danang to Hoi An, the distance is good for bus, taxi and even motorbike. You could ask your hotel for help to book a taxi or private transfer service. There are also local agents operate buses on this route.

Train Stations


Ho Chi Minh City Station (Saigon Railway Station)

Vietnamese: Ga Sài Gòn
Address: 1 Nguyen Thong, 9 Ward, 3 District, Ho Chi Minh City
How to Get: You could take bus No. 07 and get off at Ga Hòa Hưng.

Da Nang Railway Station

Vietnamese: Ga Đà Nẵng
Address: 791, Hai Phong Street, Thanh Khe District, Danang
How to Get: You could take taxi or bus. You could take bus No. 01, 02, 03 or 06 and get off at 162 Ong Ich Khiem.


Ho Chi Minh City to Da Nang Train Schedules

 (Last Update on July 30, 2020)
SE2 (21:55/13:38+) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (4)
Reunification Express - 45 59 63
SE4 (19:45/12:30+) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (4)
Reunification Express - 47 63 66
SE22 (11:50/06:15+) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (4)
Reunification Express 43 45 62 66
SE6 (09:00/02:47+) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (4)
Reunification Express 43 45 59 63
SE8 (06:00/22:44) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (4)
Reunification Express 43 45 59 63


Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh City Train Schedule

(Last Update on July 30, 2020)
SE1 (13:41/05:45+) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (4)
Reunification Express - 45 59 63
SE3 (11:23/04:45+) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (4)
Reunification Express - 47 63 66
SE21 (09:55/05:08+) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (4)
Reunification Express 43 45 62 64
SE5 (01:21/20:03) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (4)
Reunification Express 43 45 59 63
SE7 (22:36/16:05+) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Seat Soft Seat Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (4)
Reunification Express 43 45 59 63
- Last updated on Sep. 04, 2020 -
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